How to increase the traffic to my website

Misconceptions about traffic building

To bring more traffic to my website - I always found everyone giving the same advices which are:
1) Content is king
2) Get lots of back links

While these advices might be a helpful still they wont help you earn a penny out of your website simply because unless you learn how to get traffic to your website your good content won’t be visible to online users and your back links will rarely be clicked upon.

Content might be the king but it has no relation with the traffic at the early stages of website development. You could have superior content that is not even discovered by internet visitors. There are lots of great websites out there that has amazing content yet people know nothing about them. On the other hand, back links can increase your page rank but you will never get satisfactory traffic out of them unless you have links on very popular websites. And since popular websites won't be interested in exchanging links with your newly developed website therefore back links won't help you get any traffic.

How to increase traffic to your website

In order to bring traffic to your newly developed website you must have a way to bring new users to it and another way to maintain the users who have already discovered it. The best thing you can do for your website is to learn how to write optimized articles that appear in the top results in search engines. By doing so you will be getting new users each day who search for the topics your articles talk about. Contrary to common beliefs article optimization is very simple and doesn’t take time, you can make a new website and get it listed in the top ten results within few weeks even if its page rank was very low.

After you start getting visitors through search engines start to increase the number of articles and your traffic will increase accordingly.

How to let people find you

Make a free EBook, put in it very valuable information and put your website’s address in each page of the book. Distribute your eBook for free through your website, put it in the form of torrent so that users can find it and share it on peer to peer programs.

Of course people will not be having any idea about you or your book at the beginning, but if you optimized its title so that it matches a popular search keyword then sooner or later people will find it.

For example the title could be “How to increase the traffic to your website for free”. When peer to peer users search for such a phrase then find your book they will know your website.

The most important thing you should do is to encourage people to distribute this book. Write in the first page that its a free eBook and that anyone can distribute it freely. Give it to your friends, send it to them by mail and do your best to spread it out. This will result in letting more people know about your website and so your traffic will increase.

How to let them Come back

When you start getting good Traffic, make a free newsletter and keep mailing people weekly giving them useful information. When users find that your mailing list has useful info they wont cancel the subscription, they will keep reading what you send them and they will keep visiting your website.

How to make users view the largest number of pages

As soon as you start getting traffic from search engines you should find a way to let users view the largest number of pages possible. After all your traffic is measured by the number of hits or the number of pages viewed from your website, so if you managed to increase this number your traffic ranking will increase. The other advantage of letting people spend more time on your website is that they will get familiar with it and they might try the products you are selling. This can be done by:

  1. Dividing your articles to parts: If someone found an article interesting then definitely he would want to read part two of it.

  2. Write short posts: Don’t make your posts long unless its very necessary else users might get bored after reading one article.

  3. 10 tips for doing something: Have once seen a brilliant idea that made me view 10 pages out of a website. They had an article with the title "10 tips for doing something" and in order to view the 10 tips you have to click next after reading each tip. Actually what was happening behind the scenes is that with each new tip a new page was loaded thus I brought them 10 hits in few seconds.

  4. Put forums on your website: People spend a lot of time reading forum posts and browsing through them. Adding forums to your site will surely increase your traffic count.

  5. Always provide clear links to similar posts: If someone was interested in an article then he will definitely be wanting to read related articles.

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