Click through ratio or page CTR is one of the main factors that determine your Adsense revenue. Click through ratio determines the number of people clicking on your ads compared number of people visiting your site. If you managed to increase your click through ratio from 1% to 2% then this means that you will double your adsense revenue. In this article - explain how you can increase your click through ratio.
- Use both left and right sides: Users read what’s on the left first but in the same time they have to look at the right side to move the scroll bar. Lots of webmasters recommend placing towers on the left while others recommend placing them on the right for the above reason, we recommends placing ads on both side. Generally a tower on the left and a vertical link unit on the right would produce great results.
- Catch their attention: In order for users to click on an advertisement they must see it first, but since users got used to how ads look like they tend to unconsciously ignore them. In order to let users see the ads catch their attention by placing a small simulation right above the ad unit. The first thing the eye notices on websites are simulations, don’t make the simulation clickable and don’t make it related to the ad not to get banned by Google. Just use it as a tool to let users look above the advertisement and on doing so users will see the advertisement by force.
- Force the visitor to see the advertisement: You can force visitors to see advertisements without bothering them by placing ad units within the content and not just on the side bars.
- Let users visit many pages on your website: The more pages a visitor sees on your website the more will be the chance of clicking on an advertisement. Instead of writing a long post divide it into many parts and instead of giving 10 tips in one page give 5 on each page.
- Relevancy is more important than price: Visitors usually click on ads that are relevant to the content they are looking for that’s why targeting highly paying keywords that arn't relevant to your content is not a good idea. The use of meta tags in a page informs Google about your page’s content and so ads that are relevant to the content and meta tags are shown. Make sure you align the Title, URL path, meta description and meta keywords with your page’s content so that relevant ads get displayed.
- Bold and italics increase relevancy: Google gives high weight to keywords that are placed between bold or italics thus the advertisement appearing on the page might be affected by these higher weighting keywords. Make sure to use bold and italics to increase relevancy of ads.
- Use best performing ads: Google’s team themselves have pointed out that some ad units are more effective than others, the 336×280 large rectangle , the 300×250 inline rectangle and the 160×600 wide skyscraper are the best performing ads according to Google’s team, make sure you use them.
- Use all weapons: Google allows every page to have three content ads, three link units and 2 search units. Am not asking you to stuff the website with all possible ads but at least you should exceed more than half of google's limit.
- Reduce the number of links near ads: Users might be distracted by the number of links present in a web page, if its possible reduce the number of links near ad units so that users find nothing but the ads to click.