Adsense optimization tips

  1. Let the Ad be the first to load: If the first thing the user saw on your website was the ad then the possibility of clicking on it will become much higher. To do this use a large square ad and put it on the top of every new post you make. Whenever a page loads the first lines are going to be read first and so your ad will appear before the article .

  2. Isolate your ads from your links: Don’t place any links above or below your ads because this may result in distracting the visitor from seeing the ad. This is one of the main reasons pitch pages doesn’t have external links.

  3. My ads are here!!: Put an eye catching image that is not clickable just above the ads. People will first look at the image then notice the ad a second later. This usually results in an increased number of clicks.

  4. To border or not to border, this is the question?: Most of adsense users believe that adding borders around ads result in a reduced number of clicks, while this is true in most cases still borders might be useful in websites that have lots images and graphics which can result in distracting visitors from seeing the ads. Blending the ads with your content is the advise Google team themselves gave, however, for every rule there are exceptions. Test both methods and see what suits your website most.

  5. Get rid of cheap ads: Cheap ads and "made for adsense" ads can result in lower revenues.

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