How to add your site to Google

  1. Making a sitemap.xml

    Lot of online sites that make a sitemap.xml for you. The most popular one is Very simple to make sitemap from this site.
    For example
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <url> Says that we are giving a url
    <lastmod> Says when we last changed the page. Have to be in this format YYYY-MM-DD
    <changefreq> Says how much we update our page, it can be always for a instant change on every reload, or also can be never when you never reload your page. You can use the following list to add between the <changefreq> tags:
    • always
    • hourly
    • daily
    • weekly
    • monthly
    • yearly
    • never
    But really note this; it doesnt mean that google bot will always visit my page when i put in always. It doesnt mean that google will never view my page when i put in never. Its a guide but not a command!
    <priority> Says how important your site is. Can be from 0.1-1.0. Also note that this doesnt mean when you put in 1 your site ends up higher. You can tell by saying, for example, index.html gets 1 and my other sites 0.7. That means that when people look for your sitename (, your index.html page will be first displayed and then other pages follow...
  2. Making a robots.txt

    For Example:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /
    User-agent: Googlebot
    Allow: /
    Just open notepath or any other text editor and paste above lines in it and save it as robots.txt. Its very important to limit some files, like images, admin sections, passwords, etc. "robots.txt" is really powerfull, think about it carefully. If you make one mistake your site can end on the bottom.

  3. Meta tags[/u]

    Between the <head> tags where going to add or <meta> tags
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Nasrullah's Web, collection of information.">
    <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT=",TechnoNasr,Mohamed,Nasrullah,M">
    <META NAME="robot" CONTENT="index,follow">
    <META NAME="refresh" CONTENT="60">
    <META NAME="copyright" CONTENT="No Copyright">
    <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Mohamed Nasrullah">
    <META NAME="language" CONTENT="English">
    <META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="3 days">
    <title>Nasrullah's Web</title>
    <p>Hello Viewers</p>
    <META NAME="description" CONTENT="">
    This is for giving a description about your site.
    <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="">
    In this we give keyword, keywords are the words related for your page content or site
    <META NAME="robot" CONTENT="index,follow">
    It tells the robot that they have to follow any link they will find. So a robot comes on your page then it will follow any link on that page. You can also use this to block a page so robots wont vist it.
    <META NAME="refresh" CONTENT="90">
    Here we automaticaly refresh the page after 90 seconds.
    <META NAME="copyright" CONTENT="">
    Your copyright.
    <META NAME="author" CONTENT="">
    Author Name.
    <META NAME="language" CONTENT="">
    Page contents in which language.
    <META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="5 days">
    This say when a robot has to revist the page every 5 days.
  4. Uploading & registering your page

    Now you can publish or upload your site.
    After that go to this link:
    Fill in your site and description.
    A screen which appearls likely "your url is added"

  5. Controling your site

    In Google account Webmaster tools we add or identify our sitemap.XML then also robots.txt. In before we verify our site and put the verify code in our page.
    For Example:
    <meta name="verify-v1" content="6X5o7cWCHJehJAsoFBokjOswE5hZ7zMuY2af8SHW9KY="/>
    Dont Expect immediate output. It will take more than 2 days.
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