<META NAME="description" CONTENT=""> This is for giving a description about your site. |
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT=""> In this we give keyword, keywords are the words related for your page content or
site |
<META NAME="robot" CONTENT="index,follow"> It tells the robot that they have to follow any link they will find. So a robot
comes on your page then it will follow any link on that page. You can also use this
to block a page so robots wont vist it. |
<META NAME="refresh" CONTENT="90"> Here we automaticaly refresh the page after 90 seconds. |
<META NAME="copyright" CONTENT=""> Your copyright. |
<META NAME="author" CONTENT=""> Author Name. |
<META NAME="language" CONTENT=""> Page contents in which language. |
<META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="5 days"> This say when a robot has to revist the page every 5 days. |