Calculate a frequency of all char in a stream of data


void main() { char a[80],ch; int I,j,count,occured,total=0; clrscr(); cout<<"\nEnter the stream of characters terminated by \ "Enter\ " key: \n\n"; ch=getche(); while(ch!='\r'); { a[total++]=ch; ch=getche(); } cout<<"\n\nInputted Stream of Characters is: \n\n"; for(I=0;I<total;I++) cout<<a[I]; cout<<"\n\n**********OUTPUT**********\n"; cout<<"\nTotal characters inputted: "<<I<<"\n"; cout<<"\nCharacter Frequency\n\n"; for(I=0;I<total;I++) { occured=0; count=1; for(j=I-1;j>=0;j--) { if(a[j]==a[I]) { occured=1; break; } } if(!occured) { for(j=I+1;j<total;j++) { if(a[j]==a[I]) count++; } cout<<"      "<<a[I]<<"         "<<count<<"\n"; } } getch(); }
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